Nordic Tax Research Council
Secretary-general Caroline Nordklint
Juridiska fakulteten
Stockholms universitet
S-106 91 Stockholm
Tlf. + 46 8161 732
Grants for tax research
Twice a year the Nordic Tax Research Council distributes grants for tax research. The grants can either be distributed to cover expenses or as scholarships. Funds can be used to cover salary reductions during leave of absence for shorter periods of time. However the resources of the Council normally don’t allow for full or essential provision for extensive research projects (i.e. projects that expand over several years or projects which involves a great number of researchers). Retroactive applications will in general not be approved.
Applications are to be made on a specific application form where further particulars about the research, expected costs and a time plan etc. are to be described in detail.
Applications should be handed in to the secretary-general no later than April 1st or October 1st every year.
The Council’s next meeting will be held in May, 2025.
Further information is available here (in Swedish) or through the secretary-general of the council as well as through the members of the country in question.
NTRC Travel Grant for Young Scholars
As from July 1, 2023, NTRC invites applications for travel grant for young scholars in the Nordic countries. The grant should be used for travel costs and participations in activities that support Nordic collaboration for tax research, such as conferences and workshops, within in the Nordic countries.
Applications are to be made on a specific application form where further particulars about the trip are to be described in detail. Maximum amount is SEK 10 000 per applicant and calendar year. Retroactive applications will not be considered.
Applications should be handed in to the secretary-general with sufficient margin. Decisions will be announced on an ongoing basis. Please note that during the periods July 1-August 15 and December 20-January 10, the office will be closed for holiday.
Further information is available here (in Swedish) or through the secretary-general of the council as well as through the members of the country in question.